Frequently Asked Questions



Below are questions that have come up - with answers

Q: My Corporate American Express Card was rejected

A: PayPal accepts most credit cards, but NOT American Express Corporate Cards. Please use a different credit card.

Q: I entered a user name (email address) that is already registered with PayPal and added my own password, but I was rejected. Why?

A: PayPal links the user name (always an email address) with a specific password. You cannot have more than one password linked to the same email address.

Q. I have used PayPal before. I reset up my account entering all my particulars including my user name, a password and my credit card, but I was rejected. Why?

A. PayPal links your credit card number to a specific user name and password (and visa-versa). If you have already used your credit card on PayPal with a different user name and/or password, you cannot now go back and enter a different user name and password for this particular credit card. You will have to use a different credit card, or find your original user name and password.

Q. I want to pay online, but I do NOT want to use PayPal

A. Sign up for online banking with your bank. Pay online to MTS, 777 North Eldridge Blvd., Suite 280, Houston, TX 77079. Bring your receipt with you to the lunch.

Q. Do I have to pay online?

A: No, you can always pay cash or check at the door

Q. Can I pay with a credit card at the door?

A. No - cash or check only.

Q. The last thing I need is another password to remember

A. Pay cash or check at the door, or write down your password and keep it in a secure location.

Q. I opened the shopping card and it was empty.

A. You have to click on "Add item to Cart" before it will be added to your cart.

Q. I added a lunch to the cart, but PayPal then tried to bill me for two lunches.

A. You must have either clicked the ADD ITEM button twice, or perhaps you clicked on it last time you visited the site but did not check out. PayPal will remember all the items that have placed in your cart - even if several days have passed. Remove unwanted items from the PayPal screen, using the "Remove" button.

Q. Since setting up my account, I have been bombarded with spam

A. This should only happen temporarily. Do not reply to any emails, even if they appear to come from PayPal. The only way that PayPal communicates with its users is via a link back to the log-in screen (user name and password) on its web site.

Q. Why on earth did MTS Houston have to change to this system?

A. Once your account is set up, PayPal offers a lot of advantages in terms of speed, convenience and security. It also offers significant accounting advantages. With time, we are confident that users will find it more convenient.

Q. There is no where on the PayPal screen to list the people for whom I am paying

A. PayPal is an electronic interface and only records your name and the amount you have paid. If you are paying for other people, please make sure that you register them separately using the reservation form on the MTS web site, or email [email protected] with the relevant names.

Q. I paid for several guests, but do not have their names. Now what?

A. Unidentified, but paid for guests will be listed under your name on the registration roster.

Q. Should I bring my online receipt with me to the lunch?

A. You do not have to. However, it speeds up the sign-in line if you have your receipt.

Q. I need to talk to a live person about this online stuff. Who can I call?

A. Call Liz Stansfeld at 512 301 2744 or Cell: 713 806-5830.

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