Become an MTS Houston Volunteer! Click here

Web Master
Liz Stansfeld
512 301 2744

9300 Sandstone Street
Austin, TX 78737


Next Lunch - September 27, 2012 - Oceaneering - From Sea to Space and Back, Mark Gittleman, VP Oceaneering Intervention Engineering. Click here to register (All reservations must be paid in advance)

Writing Seminar - September 27, 2012 - 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM. (Morning of the MTS Houston Lunch) - Brush up your grammar skills with this three-hour seminar. Free for MTS members. Click here for details. Click here to register

September 25-27, 2012 - Galveston - Emerging FPSO - Click here for more details.

Dynamic Positioning Conference - October 9-10, 2012 - Houston. Click here to see advance program

Annual Barbecue - October 25, 2012 - Forum Energy Technologies - Book your exhibit space now before it runs out!

Most recent lunch- August 23, 2012 - Lunch Meeting - Chevron - Building Subsea Capability in a Major Operating Company. Click here to see the presentation online\

Job Opening - Full-Charge Bookkeeper

MTS Houston Member Scholarship - Winners Announced - click for details


At each luncheon meeting, MTS Houston pays for lunches for people who registered but neither cancel in time nor show up. Rather than pass this added cost onto our regular attendees, from now on all people registering for lunches will need to pay IN ADVANCE, either online or by sending a check made payable to MTS Houston to MTS Houston, c/o Liz Stansfeld, 9300 Sandstone, Austin TX 78737. Those who register and do not pay in advance will be treated as 'walk-ins" and will be charged $50.00 at the door.


RESUME - Attorney seeks work in Maritime-related field

JOB OPENINGS - Houston ISD is looking to fill two marine-related teaching positions - click here for details

Houston Lunch Location - MTS Houston luncheons are held at the PELAZZIO on 12121 Westheimer, Houston 77077. (West of the Sam Houston Tollway, between Kirkwood and Dairy Ashford, next to Phoenicia's headquarters). Note: You cannot see the building from Westheimer. Click here for a map and directions. Lunch registration begins at 11:30 am. , with the lunch and presentation from 11:45-1:00 pm. (Please note: No credit cards accepted at the door).

About the MTS Houston Section
The Houston Section of the Marine Technology Society is the largest Section of the MTS with over 800 members. (Click here to join).The Section holds regular monthly lunch meetings generally on the fourth Thursday of each month.

Annual social events include a Sporting Clays Tournament in the early Spring, a Golf Tournament in July and the Annual MTS Barbecue in October.

Proceeds from these events support the Section's active scholarship and educational programs.

The Section publishes a monthly newsletter, which is posted to this web site and also mailed to members and other interested professionals. To receive the newsletter and other announcements electronically, click here to add your name to our database.

Watch this page to keep abreast of new activities and events