October 24, 2002


The annual barbecue social will be held on the evening of October 24 at Oil States facility. Directions and a map will be posted to this web site nearer the time.

Both sponsor opportunities and exhibit tables are available.

There are also a variety of sponsor opportunities, including:

Platinum: $1000.00
Gold: $750.00
Silver: $500.00
Bronze: $250

In addition, exhibit tables are available for $150 each

ONLY USE THIS FORM TO BOOK AN EXHIBIT TABLE OR TO BECOME A SPONSOR. After completing and submitting the form, please go to the online payment section (Shopping Cart) to pay by credit card.


Contact  Company
Address City/Zip
Telephone Fax

Sponsorship level

Platinum: 1,000.00
Gold: $750
Silver: $500  
Bronze: $250
Exhibit Table: $150

I would like to sponsor

After completing this form, please go to the shopping cart to pay online


Web master:
Liz Stansfeld
Stansfeld & Fairbrother, Inc.

10878 Westheimer #121
Houston, TX 77042
T. 713.266.7121
F. 713 266.0636

e: [email protected]